Global Woman Business School

Apply Now to have a one to one Breakthrough session with Mirela's team

Before you apply to enrol in the course we would like to know more about you and arrange a call to explore if we are the right fit to work together.

Please take a couple of minutes to answer these questions so we can cover them on the call. This will ensure you get the most from the call and allow us to help to take your business global online.

    Personal information

    Other information






    Would you like Global Woman to help you reach your financial goal?*

    Yes definitely, I'm 100% committed to doing whatever it takes to get my business global as quickly as possibleI'm not sure how I'll do it, but I'll find a way to invest as I do want to get more visibilityNo as I'm not really serious about going global yet

    Do you have a business partner you need to run decisions by? (If so they should be on the call)*